Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with NKOTB or their management, this has been coordinated by and run by fans only. All donations will go to United Way of Tampa Bay to support early literacy efforts.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Joe!

Happy Birthday, Joe!

The Project:

63 NKOTB fans from 6 countries and 3 continents banded together for 5 days during December 2010 to honor and celebrate Joe McIntyre and his family. Together, we raised $1500 to benefit They will be used by United Way of Tampa Bay to support our early literacy efforts with Imagination Library participants. because every child should enjoy the pleasure of reading. Special thanks to Susan Lawton, Director of UWTB’s Early Learning Initiatives for her assistance in coordinating this effort.

The Message:

"In celebration of our 'Brother' Joe McIntyre and his family to commemorate his 38th birthday; in the belief that every child should enjoy the pleasure of reading.
Your 'Million Sisters'."

Joe, below are the individual birthday messages from your fans who participated in this effort. 

Hau’oli Makahiki Hou Joe! May this New Year bring you continued happiness & success.
Love & Aloha, your Hawaiian Princess, Leolani @leolani212



When I was 12, I sat on a porch in JP and told your dad I wanted to be an author because since preschool I'd loved reading. He smiled, pointed to the flawless summer sky and said, “There’s your limit, sweetheart.”

In Greenville (2009) I shared this, and you told me, “keep writing.” In June 09, you invited me to volunteer in Dallas. Then you uninvited me because I had 5*…then re-invited me when I gave up 5*…and I was like “Yo! Let’s frickin’ get this!” But that’s not the point.

The point? For 2 decades, I’ve related my passion for reading & writing to you. You sealed that with LGT.

Thank you. Thank you for being an inspiration-my idol, my muse, and a great humanitarian. Thank you for coming back. Moreover, thanks for sticking around.

Happy Birthday, McLovin’.

Peace, Love, Rock Horns :) & Books,
Dannie (@McRiddlahPants)


Thank you for all you do for children's literacy & other causes. And thanks for choosing me as a Va. Beach LGT volunteer. I met some great friends that will last a lifetime and it was an amazing experience combining two of my favorite things—books and NKOTB!
From Abby Cavenaugh (@abs1399)


I wanted to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Your kindness and generosity encourage me to be a better person. Thank you for all that you do.
Love Always and Forever,
AKA @JRKNaughtyNurse

P.S. Let's Continue This :) 
Happy Birthday, Joe!
Thank you for using your fame to promote such a worthy cause as early literacy. My daughter is learning to read now, and it's overwhelming to watch her face light up with joy as she works her way through a book. Reading truly opens up new worlds, and all children should have the opportunity to experience that joy.

FYI, I was selected for your LGT book drive in Memphis but had to decline as I had received an upgrade to 5* for that show. You told me to call you a jerk in the meet and greet, which absolutely made my day! I'm an original Jongirl but have to admit that your moxie, verve, panache, and passion have Joe-verted me. I look forward to seeing you again on the cruise and in Nashville next summer!

With love,
@JenniferMSU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear Joe,
Happy Birthday and Happy New Year! I hope this message and "gift" find you well. Last Year I received my Mac Pac on YOUR birthday. Made it a little extra special. I hope this small donation in honor of your birthday makes it a little extra special for you. Kick some NYC NYE ASS in Times Square! The WORLD will be celebrating with you! xoxoxoxo Heidi (@HiDLine)

Happy Birthday Joe!!
Just a quick note to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!  Thank you for all you do for us fans aka "supporters" as you like to call us!  Because of you getting the ball rolling, we've had the opportunity to help out so many less fortunate children over the last couple of years with brand new books!! I have always been an advocate for children's literacy & always try give books as gifts instead of toys to the children in my life!!  Hope you enjoy this gift we've given in your honor!!  Happy Birthday big guy!
Lot's of love,

Amy aka "Joe Macs Olivia"  xoxo



Happy Birthday EG!
Thank you for being the catalyst for so many amazing things in this world. You are a truly beautiful human being & I am blessed to have you in my life. I hope that you enjoy ringing in the New Year in style!
Much love always,


Hey Joe,

Happy Birthday! You have inspired all of us go out and do something great for our children. See you on the cruse in May--hopefully running around in that Speedo you promised us two years ago.

Much Love,



Happy Birthday, Joe! Thanks for being an inspiration, for making me smile (and making me crazy) and for getting First Book noticed by so many fans. It's a cause close to my heart- I'm a Children's Librarian and I know how important it is for kids to have books in their lives. I'm proud to be a Braveheart! Love ya! ~ Carla, aka @BlingedOne


I want to take this opportunity to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I’m proud to be a part of this great cause in your honour. Growing up I’ve always wanted to be an early childhood educator because I believe that all children deserve a chance to be able to own a brand new book to love and call their very own. Your constant interest in early reading with your children inspires me to read to my 4yr old niece each time I visit her and I just love seeing the expressions on her face when we read together. You are an inspiration to many and I cannot wait to see you in 2011!! All the best to you and your family in the coming year

Love Always

Dear Joe,
You’ve been a part of my life since I was eight years old. I loved the boy you were then...and I love the man you are even more now. Not just for your looks, or for the way you sing (both beautiful, in my humble opinion), but for your spirit…your good heart…everything you do to help people, with LGT, the book drives, and the stuff for Mass. Eye and Ear for example….I think WOW…it makes so proud to be a New Kids fan…and even prouder to be a fan of yours.
I look forward to your tweets…to your blogs…you always find a way to make me smile and make me laugh, and from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for that. J
Happy Birthday Joey…and many many more. I love you man.
Happy Birthday Joe! I hope you have an amazing day and are spoilt rotten by your family. Thanks for all your hard work with United Way and First Book. You make us proud to be Bravehearts and I hope, that at least this once, we've made you proud with this gift. "Let's Get This." Love Jackie aka @aussieNKOTBfan
Dear Joe:
I am thrilled to be donating in your name to First Book. You do so much for us, this is just something in return.
I can say thank you, but those words are inadequate for what I feel. But thank you for always making me smile and for bringing so many wonderful friends into my life. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and I wish you nothing but the best in 2011. I am looking forward to the New Year's performance and the tour in June. God bless you and your family.
With love,
Jeannette (@jawnj)
PS: This picture is from when I met you at the ASHA convention in Philly. Congratulations again on that honor! I told you I would be writing a blog. Well here is the link—enjoy!!
     Happy Birthday!! I would like to thank you for being so passionate about early reading and for allowing us to get involved in your mission as well.  Last summer’s Book Drive was phenomenal and it was a great privilege to be a part of it as a both a donator and a volunteer in Dallas.  And now, as we celebrate your birthday, we continue to donate to your cause as a gift to you. It warms my heart to know that my donation will help kids gain access to books so that they can truly learn the importance of reading. So again I say THANK YOU for this awesome opportunity and for bringing some absolutely amazing sistahs into my life!!  To quote an amazing man: “LET’S GET THIS”!!!  
Much Love,
Rita Benavides


Bedtime stories with my kids is the best part of my day and I couldn’t imagine my children not knowing what happens when you give a mouse a cookie, a moose a muffin, or a pig a pancake. Thanks for all you’ve done to spread awareness and thanks for rocking my ever-lovin’ world. Have a GREAT birthday!
Love ya!

Joe: Thank you for the music, friends and fun that you have brought to our lives over the years. Your music always brings sunshine to our day! Your charity work has inspired us all to give back and the world is a better place because of you! :)  Happy Birthday, Joe! All the best to you and your family in the upcoming year.

Forever your TWIN supporters,

Larissa and Kristina
@TDotMacPac  @TDotKrissyMac
Wishing you a 38th year full of much love, happiness, good health, & good times, now & always!
Lots of love, Yota


Thank you for the love, the laughs and the possibility of more great times! Happy Birthday Joe, always my #1.
@Joe_Mac_Girl, AKA April :)


Happy Birthday Joey!!  Hope your day is full of love, laughter and all the things you love!  May all your birthday wishes come true!  Much love, Kellie (@KellieLytle)
Just when I think you're a complete ass, you go and do something noble like LGT!  I'm honored to be a part of something so special.  Happy Birthday...you'll always be 16 to me.

Thanks for taking me on a one way trip to the sun & thanks for turning me into someone...
xo Andi

Happy Birthday Joey Joe! I sooo Hope you Have the Best Birthday Ever! See you soon! Love Ya Lori @DWsShygrl39
Dear Joe, I wish you a very Happy Birthday, followed by a year full of smiles, love, happiness and success. I just want to take this opportunity to Thank you for your inspiration, over the last 22 years but especially in the last year, you're amazing, hope you always stay the same :)  God bless you and your family, with love, prayers and blessings always -zubia - @nomoregames75 p.s when are you coming back to the UK?
Happy birthday to one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met! There are many things I could thank you for bringing into my life, but the one I am most grateful for is the incredible friends you gave me when I was picked as an LGT volunteer in Virginia Beach. We have become great friends thanks to you and I can never thank you enough. Thanks also for the man you are and all that you do for others. You’ve been a source of inspiration for my writing (which I hope you and everyone will someday read in published novel form) and have inspired me to give more in my own life. Every dollar, every positive effort counts, no matter how small it may seem. I always want to give more and you helped me learn that so again, thank you. Love and luck always! Amy Cavenaugh @twisted_writer

Happy Birthday, Joe! :) May you have a wonderful day and a year that brings only the very best for you.  I'm so glad that all of us can be a part of this wonderful cause and see that so many children will be able to gain access to new books.  It warms my heart as books have always been such a big part of who I am today.  And, thank you again for your part in bringing me together with the VA Beach LGT volunteers...I feel blessed everyday because I can count them among my very best friends.  xoxo Amy (aka @MsKnitSox)

Happy Birthday!!!
Pennie (Fan4Ever)

Happy Birthday Joe!  You know, once you go Mac, you never go back. I'm proud of all your charitable participations.  You have a heart of gold.  I clearly picked the right New Kid 20 years ago. I'm ready for 2011. See you on the cruise and Philly, Boston, DC, CT, Chicago, Houston, Dallas, & Lafayette.  Love you, Celeste (@cdfrog) #DontForgetTheDream 

Happy Birthday Joe!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for another
great year! And now, I hope that our gift in
your honor will show you just how much we
appreciate and love you and all that you
do! :)
Lisa Sophia


JMac - Thanks for jumping off my wall and becoming my reality! These last couple years have been such a beautiful journey. Filled with laughs, tears, anxiety and surprises! Never have I felt so appreciated as a fan. Never have I felt like part of a family. I hope this gift to you puts a smile on your face as you do for us! With all that said, how about a follow? Come'on, you knew I was going to ask! Maria Twitter: QDax

Thanks again!

Joey Joe and the McIntyre Family,
First Book and Imagination Library.
Bravehearts, A Million Sisters and Crew,
United Way is where our gift is through.
I LOVE YOU & I hope this brings a tear,
To one of your beautiful blue eyes my dear.
Because if all kids have access to books,
They can be doctors, teachers and cooks.
Literacy is one of your heartfelt dreams,
And I’m in the JoeMac “LET”S READ THIS” Team!!
*** Marci from Vancouver***  @WantDDUBLovin


***********ALL I WANNA DO is make it EASIER 4 kids 2 get books! It'll be THE DIFFERENCE in their lives & they'll never FORGET ABOUT IT!

I La La La Love You,
Amy Little
You never cease to amaze me with your kindness & generosity to help others. Being part of your book drive was very special & inspired me to give back. XoXo Amy (Irishgirl75)


I hope you have an amazing birthday surrounded by friends, family, and a million screaming fans in Times Square.  Thank you so much for everything that you do for us.  I'm grateful that I could, in some small way, show my appreciation.  I'll never be able to express to you how much this reunion has meant to me, specifically all the wonderful friendships I've made with people I wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet otherwise.  Thank you for being so sweet and genuine when I've had the pleasure of speaking with you.  These past two and a half years have been filled with memories I'll treasure for the rest of my life.  I can't wait to see what the future brings.

Much love,
Joe- Thank you for inspiring me so much with all the work you do for so many children's charities.  I hope that these donations that we've all made to the United Way and First Book make you as proud of us as we are of you.  Have a wonderful birthday and can't wait to see you again this summer, buddaaayyy!  Love ya, Angela (@jkswhoppergirl)
Dear Joe,

         First of all, thank you for 20 plus years together. I have loved you since I first saw you on Showtime at the Apollo.  You guys have brought so much fun into my life and for that, I am eternally grateful.  I am also very proud of all you have given back and am happy to help out in any way I can.  As a teacher of poor children, your book drive made me so happy and now your work with the hospital makes me even more proud.  Warmest wishes to you and your family during this holiday season.  Happy Birthday!
                                                             Pam (@4everknights)
As an Early Childhood Advocate, I applaud you for your efforts in early literacy. Thank You for all you have done for the children who need it the most!  @Sarah_NK
Just a quick thank you!!
As an avid reader, I’m excited to offer any support I can for this cause! I was reading novels at such an early age thanks to my mother and have made a commitment to give my son and daughter the same encouragement.

I believe that early childhood reading is a key for mental development and social skills. It also instills a love for a dying hobby that is in great need of a revival.

It is wonderful that you are bringing this cause into the light for so many people. Not enough take the time any more to recognize its importance. It’s also great to know that our donations can be used to help those that don’t have the opportunities to encourage their children to read.

As a mother and friend I want to say thanks again!!

Love always, Kristi aka @mac_feisty
Thank you for all you've done to raise awareness, books & money for childhood literature. Reading with my parents was one of my favorite things to do as a kid & I can't wait to have kids of my own to read to. I hope you like the gift your fans are giving in honor of you by donating to a cause close to your heart. We do it because we believe in it too & we love you. Plus you're already giving away clothes so we figure you didn't need anymore. 
Love you!! XOXO
Kristie Greenlee/@kristie1311
I hope you have a fantastic birthday you deserve the best for all that you do.  Thank you for coming back together as a group and giving me the opportunity to form amazing friendships a grown woman can have.  This is a wonderful cause being a mother and an avid reader I support this 100%.  Penblwydd Hapus Joe (Happy Birthday in Welsh).With lots of love Sara (Welsh Girl in ATL) Twitter @sarausa5 
As an Early Childhood Educator, you do not know what the Let’s Get This Foundation means to me. I was so excited to see that you had created this foundation and are still actively involved in it. My hope is that Let’s Get This is around for a LONG time, as I have a bigger donation to make of over 1,000 children’s books should I decide to stop teaching. While I am not planning on a career move anytime soon, I have been faced with multiple obstacles that have to be overcome first. Have no fear these obstacles will be overcame and I will return to the classroom to carry on the mission you have set forth of getting books into the hands of children.

Lots of Love
Laura H in NC @mattsmom2003

"You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving." Thank YOU for being so generous and sharing your love to inspire others to help make a difference. I grew up loving books and I hope our donations help many families fall in love with reading too. Happy Birthday JoeMac may you have a blessed and beautiful year! I can't wait to see you this summer and on the cruise. Much love, Jen Ogden.  (@jenogden)
“And, I think to myself, what a wonderful world”…with you in it, JOE!
You’ve genuinely given SO much of yourself to make the world a better place. Your passion for life doesn’t go unnoticed.  And, though we have never met, you’ve touched my life ample times, and to keep it simple, I’d just like to say thank you! May this year be filled with a plethora of blessings for you and your family! xoxoxo
Happy Birthday, Joe! (psst, don’t forget to make a wish)
Much love,
Michelle @joemacsweetpea
(your MacDat girl)
Happy Birthday Joe!!  Hope it's great!  I think this is a great cause to donate to because early literacy is so very important.  Can't wait to see you in May!  Let's Get This!! 
Love ya,
Atlanta, GA

I'm so grateful that you and your four brothers took a chance and reunited - the new friends and memories I've made as a result bring happiness to my life each day. Best wishes on your birthday!

What better way to celebrate the holidays, celebrate a new year, AND celebrate the fantastic, enigmatic, inspiring Joe Mac... than to help start kids off on a lifetime of literary abandon? :)

Joe, thank you for opening our eyes to this worthy cause. Not only does it make me appreciate what I'm blessed enough to have, it makes me realise just what a couple of dollars can do for those less fortunate. Thank you for all you do, and all the best to you and your family!

Much love,
Dawn  aka @belladawna

Hi Joe!
I know that all these donations will help many families get books for their children! Happy Birthday Joey Joe!
Much Love,

Birthday Joe! It has been amazing to watch you grow this past year, as we all have. You have been given the blessings to make a difference in the world, in more ways than one. I hope you continue to follow the course and see it all through... While keeping your humor. May this year bring you all you could ever hope for and more. I'll catch ya on the boat handsome.
With lots of love,
Always a Joe girl,
Julie Catherine

Happy Birthday Joe Mac!
Thank you for all that you do. You are truly an inspiration! 
Let's Get This! 

Joe -
"Hi Joe!" That's pretty much all I seem to know to say whenever we meet but I wanted you to know that I am one very proud Macpack # 1234 from VA and I've been a big fan of Joe Mac and NKOTB since 1989.  I love all of your solo stuff and was very fortunate to see you at Jammin' Java in 2007, The Note in 2010 and most recently GAMH in October.  I love you as an artist but I love u for the Joe Mac I always thought I knew when I was 14 and thanks to Twitter its made it a little easier to know that Joe Mac. Make sure to follow me on Twitter or DM sometime!! Happy Holidays!! Oh and I can't forget HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE!! I'll be celebrating along with you since my 5yo daughter Kailey also shares your birthday!!
Laith @layithk76

You have inspired so many of us with your passion for early childhood literacy, and example of giving back. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, and hope that the coming year brings you and your family much happiness!

Braveheart Forever,
Maria (aka TNgirl76)

Hi Joe,

Your words have meant a lot to me over the years.  I'm glad I can help return the favor today.

Happy birthday from one writer to another. :)


Christina (@christinawrites)
May this year bring with it all the success & fulfillment your heart desires. Happy Birthday Joe! xoxo @Stephanie1086

Just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday hope this year brings you nothing but joy, success and love! Thanks for always making me smile you bastid! Xxx

Much love;
Hi Joe,
Hope you enjoy your gift. I am so honored to be a part of this "family" and that we can all get together to make a difference. I wish you an amazing birthday and new year. Hopefully we will be able to share many more with you. Keep being the amazing man that you are!!
Love Always,
Marisa ( @MarisaG83 or MarisaG83@gmail.com)

Hi Joe x
I just wanted to say, this is such a worthy cause and I want to thank you for everything that you do.
Your music, your acting and your Charity work! You’re an inspiration and there should be more people in the world like you.
Also thank you for keeping in touch with your BH’s on twitter! It really means a lot to us, we love to know what you’re up to. Because we’re nosey ;-)
Please stay the same, don’t ever change! Cos we love you just the way you are xoxox
Fingers crossed I will get to meet you next year at a UK meet and greet and maybe get a macpac hug from you :)    
Hopefully we have raised lots of money on your behalf, Let’s Get This!
All my Love, Teresa
Twitter- TezBlockHeart

Education is not filling a pail but the lighting of a fire. ~William Butler Yeats

~Let's Get This~

Love Always
Leslie (@DDub_igotit)

JMac:you make many people happy, as I once let you know; now we are passing on that happiness to other. Thanks for inspiring us daily-Adina


Happy Birthday, darling Joe!  It's a sincere pleasure to celebrate your birthday in this meaningful manner.  You may not realize how truly you have helped so many of us over the past few years.  But you have.  And to do this in your name at this time of year....special beyond words.  Celebrate well, my friend, and I can't wait to see you again in June in Chicago.  Maybe some day I'll be able to tell you the fully story behind this tattoo.  Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Birthday.  All my love, Tara


I want to wish you a very happy birthday Joe! I am really happy that I could be a small part of something special to show you how much you are loved by so many! I hope this year brings you lots of happiness, love and success! Thank you for always making me smile! Happy birthday!
Love MC xoxoxo (@mccasey1977)

Happy Birthday Joe!!
Love Always,
Your 'Million Sisters